Yale Ciencia Academy for Professional Development Application Is Open

Yale Ciencia Academy is an NIH-funded (1R25GM114000) initiative that connects Ph.D., MD/Ph.D. or PsyD students across the U.S. who are conducting biological, biomedical, or behavioral sciences research with a network of diverse peers and role models, and with professional development opportunities to help students navigate graduate school, identify their academic and professional goals, and gain the confidence to achieve them. Students from other fields are encouraged to apply if their work might be of NIH interest.


Key features of the program include:

  • Virtual chats with diverse role models and mentors who will discuss topics such as careers within and outside of academia, getting funded, securing a postdoc, getting published, time and project management, and work-life balance, among others.
  • Supportive discussions with peers, moderated by experts, on inter-personal issues (mentoring challenges, impostor syndrome, the importance of community, etc)
  • Online and in-person workshops for the development of non-research skills such as effective scientific and professional communication, professional goal setting & networking, mentoring, and scientific teaching.
  • Attendance to an annual YCA meeting (all expenses paid) to take place during the AAAS Annual Meeting to extend opportunities for networking and professional development.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to impact their communities and put in place leadership and communication skills through science outreach activities like the publication of popular science articles, podcasts, or visits to local schools.
  • Additional advice on their IDP


YCA leverages CienciaPR, a large and diverse Latino/Hispanic scientific network.


The deadline to apply is Friday, November 10 and the program runs from January to December 2018. Application requirements, selection criteria, FAQs, and the application form can be accessed via this link: http://www.cienciapr.org/yca

Questions can be directed to Giovanna Guerrero-Medina, PI, Yale Ciencia Academy (Giovanna.guerrero-medina@yale.edu) or at yca@cienciapr.org

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