Effective Grading * √ § Ͼ – September 6, 2017 – Noon – 1:30 PM

Whether new or seasoned, faculty often struggle to manage grading. How can you speed up your grading, make feedback more useful, and gain insights about how to improve student learning? Join your colleagues to discuss best practices for making grading more efficient for you and more useful for students. We’ll discuss the advantages of aligningContinue reading “Effective Grading * √ § Ͼ – September 6, 2017 – Noon – 1:30 PM”

Yes, professors *DO* make more than $100,000/year! Here are some recent salaries …

Throughout the last several years, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate students who participate in PROMISE: Maryland’s AGEP have given various reasons for and against planning to choose careers in the academy.  Among reasons against becoming a faculty member, students have told us that “professors don’t make any money” or that “professors are poor.”Continue reading “Yes, professors *DO* make more than $100,000/year! Here are some recent salaries …”